Preserve the Freedom for
Families to Choose
Thankfully, schools in Benicia no longer require mask-wearing. We are preserving this page as a reminder of how hard we fought to have the freedom to control our own faces. We must always preserve freedom for our faces, our children, our businesses, our healthcare choices. No more government overreach!

The potential educational harms of mandatory-masking policies are much more firmly established, at least at this point, than their possible benefits in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in schools. Early childhood is a crucial period when humans develop cultural, language, and social skills, including the ability to detect emotion on other people’s faces.

Lockdowns have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy. These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best. Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.
Does this make sense?
Are we "following the science?"

Please contact us if any information is inaccurate so we can correct our site: BeniciaFreedom@gmail.com
Why are masks still required for staff members at some of our local schools if the state mandates and scientific evidence no longer support wearing masks?

Starting March 1, masks will no longer be required for unvaccinated workers indoors, consistent with the updated CDPH guidance...

Youth depression, suspected suicide attempts, drug overdose deaths, and obesity have all risen dramatically during the pandemic. The unintended consequences of pandemic restrictions are now a greater risk to our children than COVID, and we must act on that reality.

The benefits of masks in preventing serious illness or death from COVID-19 among children are infinitesimally small. At the same time they are disruptive to learning and communicating in classrooms. They may be partially effective in shielding adults from COVID, but since when is it ethical to burden children for the benefit of adults?

There is no question that many young people will suffer later due to these experiences.
Great News!
On February 28, 2022, in response to announcements from the CA governor's office and the CA Department of Public Health, the Benicia Unified School District agreed to allow mask choice beginning on March 14.
St. Dominic School (Benicia) announced masks will become optional on March 7, 2022.
On February 23, 2022, the Benicia Unified School District granted children the ability to play with other students in different classes (beyond their cohort) during recess. Lunch still has limitations.

However, the crisis is still ongoing, and it is not clear when it will end. Thus, normative fears of adults and children might develop into clinical fears that disrupt mental health not only during the crisis, but also afterwards.

"I really started thinking, why aren’t we talking about the masks coming off?” said Dr. Will Sheldon, an Oakland parent and a family medicine doctor. “There was no discussion of what the off-ramps are going to be.”
Science Direct / Journal of Infection
Immunocompromised children and young people are at no increased risk of severe COVID-19
(click here to read more)
American Medical Association report on hospitalization rates,
Covid v. Influenza
(click here to read more)

Senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) will be introducing the “Keep Schools Open and Safe Act” to require COVID-19 vaccines for in-person school attendance.

As physician epidemiologists, we have analyzed the data and found that this mandate is not supported by the scientific evidence — which is why no European countries or other U.S. states have implemented their own.

"Staff and students may attend without a mask starting March 14, 2022, and are also welcome to continue wearing a mask if they so choose."
Benicia Unified School District
"Starting Monday, March 7, masks will be optional for students at St. Dominic School."
Mrs. Penny Ogden,

Do you know about
California Senate Bill 871?
SB 871 requires that all children who will be attending in-person day care, child care, public, or private school must be fully immunized against Covid-19. In addition, this bill would remove the Personal Belief Exemption from any additional immunization requirements for future vaccines added by the California Department of Public Health. The bill also includes broad language allowing state employees to enforce vaccinations for "any other disease deemed appropriate."

Adults have failed children in foisting unnecessary, harmful Covid-19 restrictions on them. “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul,” Nelson Mandela famously said, “than the way in which it treats its children.” By that standard, our society now has the soul of an abusive parent. The pandemic has turned American adults, or at least the ones who make the rules, into selfish neurotics who have been punishing innocent children for over a year—and still can’t restrain themselves. It became clear long ago that the virus is less dangerous to children than the flu, and that keeping schools open poses minimal risk of spreading infections.
Listed below are the school districts in California who have allowed mask choice:
(updated on 2/24/22 at 2 p.m.)
Roseville Joint Unified School District – 2/15/22
El Dorado Unified School District – 2/15/22
Rescue Union Unified School District – 2/16/22
Buckeye Union Unified School District – 2/17/22
Rancho Santa Fe School District – 2/21/22
Los Alamitos Unified School District
Latrobe Unified School District – 2/21/22
Placerville Unified School District – 2/21/22
Gold Trail Unified School District – 2/21/22
Black Oak Mine Unified School District – 2/21/22
East Nicolaus High School District – 2/21/22
Nevada Joint Union School District – 2/21/22
Roseville City School District – 2/21/22
Escondido Union Elementary – 2/21/22
Amador County Unified School District – 2/21/22
Fresno County School District – 2/22/22
Eureka Unified School District
John Adams Academy (Placer County) – 2/22/22
Santa Fe Christian Schools (CA) – 2/22/22
Placer Union High School District – 2/22/22
Western Placer Union High School District – 2/22/22
San Luis Obispo County District – 2/22/22
Golden Valley Unified School District – 2/24/22
Conejo Valley Unified School District
Sierra Unified School District
Pleasant Ridge Unified School District
Lincoln Unified School District
Rocklin Unified School District - 2/24/22
Wheatland Union High School District
Clovis Unified School District – 2/24/22
Wheatfield School District – 2/24/22
Paso Robles Joint Unified School District
Galt Joint Union School District – 2/24/22
Arcohe Union District Schools – 2/24/22
How Can You Help?
Let those in charge know
you want freedom for
our children!
BISHOP JAIME SOTO: bishopsoto@scd.org
KATIE PERATA: kperata@scd.org
SUPERINTENDENT DR. CHARLES YOUNG: cyoung@beniciaunified.org
SHERI ZADA: szada@beniciaunified.org
CECE GRUBBS: cgrubbs@beniciaunified.org
GETHSEMANE MOSS: gmoss@beniciaunified.org
MARK MASELLI: mmaselli@beniciaunified.org
DIANE FERRUCCI: dferrucci@beniciaunified.org
TERESA LAVELL, PRESIDENT: tlavell@solanocoe.net
GINGER DUNNE, VICE PRESIDENT: gdunne@solanocoe.net
ELEASE CHEEK: echeek@solanocoe.net
PEGGY COHEN-THOMPSON: pcohenthompson@solanocoe.net
MICHELLE COLEMAN: mcoleman@solanocoe.net
DANA DEAN: ddean@solanocoe.net
AMY SHARP: asharp@solanocoe.net
Let families choose.
Our children will never get these years back. End separation and masking now.
Show leadership and do what is best for our children NOW.
CDC data shows accidents, cancer, homicide, heart disease, and suicide are the leading causes of death in children. Why are we harming our children over a sickness that is not deadly to children?
We want our children to see faces for academic, social, and emotional health. We want our children to interact freely with all children and not be separated. Restore the joyful traditions that bring color to their lives.
Wearing masks is not an expression of etiquette or charity, it is enabling psychosis.
Stop placing the most invasive restrictions on the least affected segment of our society.
If vaccines work, they work, and you don’t have to mandate them.
If masks work, they work, and you don't have to mandate them. People can choose their own protection.