What's Happening in our Parks?

From the UpBay Pride description for the festival: "This is an open-air festival in Benicia's City Park. We'll have activities for the kids as well including a Bouncy House. This event is open to all, adults, families, young adults and children."

Presenting sexual degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy, particularly to children, is a communist goal to undermine and subdue American values.

What is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality? How is a child's life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it?

As the drag queens take the stage in their sexually suggestive costumes, their task is to disrupt the “binary between womanhood and manhood,” seed the room with “gender-transgressive themes,” and break the “reproductive futurity” of the “nuclear family” and the “sexually monogamous marriage”—all of which are considered mechanisms of heterosexual, capitalist oppression.
What's Happening at the Library?

The Benicia Public Library sponsored a multiweek program series titled "From Just Us to Justice: A Community Equity Challenge." Advertised as "an exploration of the impact of disparity and inequity in our country and our community," themes included the history of racism in America and its effects, unconscious bias and privilege, equity, and inclusivity.
The 2023 Book-to-Action theme for the Benicia Public Library theme is "All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis."
Are coal and gas more affordable and efficient than solar and wind? Does relying on solar and wind have environmental consequences that may be worse than traditional energy sources?
What books are our children reading?

A six-year-old picked up this book at the Benicia library:
"Something Happened in Our Town - A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice” by Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins, and Ann Hazzard. This book “is designed to engage young children in a compelling story as well as spark important discussions about racial injustice.”
The book begins by stating that “cops shot [a man] because he was Black” and goes downhill from there. It says white people oppress black people without any context or explanation, summing up society as a continuing pattern of “being nice to White people and mean to Black people.”
The book proclaims “Cops stick up for each other and they don’t like Black men.” Wow.
The notes say the book is for children ages 4 to 8. The three psychologists who wrote the book describe slavery as “light-skinned people from America and Europe” who “went to Africa” and “forced the dark-skinned African people” to come to America as slaves, which is inaccurate and dangerous to promote to children. To quote Thomas Sowell, “Slavery was an ugly, dirty business but people of virtually every race, color, and creed engaged in it on every inhabited continent. And the people they enslaved were also of virtually every race, color, and creed.”
This book is unnecessarily inflammatory and is not helping anyone, particularly vulnerable children. If we are going to make a positive change in the world, we need to be truthful and accurate about slavery, particularly slavery that is practiced today.
What's Happening at City Hall?

The City of Benicia is participating in the Race, Equity, and Leadership (REAL) Institute. This program emphasizes “governing for racial equality.” Their goal is “Achieving Racial Equity,” but their website does not define what this means. Here is a list of their programs:
Classes Purchased by the City of Benicia:
institutional and structural racism in the United States
shared language for racial equity
racial equity leadership behaviors 
how to communicate effectively to advance racial equity
essential concepts related to racial equity
methods to engage key stakeholders in advancing racial equity  
visualizing a racially equitable future
racial equity vision statements
building racial equity infrastructure for organizational change
how to evaluate policies, practices, and procedures, using a racial equity approach
racial equity analysis
root causes of racial inequities
strategically aligning priorities and structures to support governing for racial equity 
skills to navigate resistance to the equity program
full diversity: race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, region, size of community, political affiliation, and other demographics
What does racial equity mean?
Do these programs improve the lives of Benicians?
What is the cost?
The Benicia City Council has established the Committee United for Racial Equity (CURE) and has created an equity and diversity manager position.

Training that blames dominant groups for DEI problems may well have a net-negative effect. Billions of dollars (an estimated $3.4 billion in 2020) are being wasted annually in the United States on these efforts and some diversity initiatives might actually worsen the DEI climates of the organizations that pay for them.
The Benicia City Council was unanimous in cutting the fireworks on the Fourth of July and the Christmas Tree Lighting due to budget issues (meeting on April 25, 2023). Is the City still paying for an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Manager? Which expense will better unite us and allow us to come together as neighbors?
How Can You Help?
Let those in charge know
you want freedom for
our children!
Remember, our elected officials are to serve and represent us. They only hold the power we allow them to have.
We should be very concerned about any “emergency powers” that force us to cover our faces or be injected with medicine that is not necessary.
No one should receive any special treatment based on the color of their skin.
Our schools should focus on academics and not ideology. Our children must be taught truthful history including our relentless pursuit of liberty and justice for all.